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social and political science (published) - Achim Hildebrandt, Eva-Maria Trüdinger, Matthias Sand, Anja Rieker “A Calamitous Connection: Declining Political Trust Amplifies the Negative Effect of Growing Concerns About Democracy on the Acceptance of Anti-Pandemic Policies”, International Journal of Public Opinion Research (2022) - Achim Hildebrandt, Sebastian Jäckle, Eva-Maria Trüdinger, Uwe Wagschal “A Matter of Trust: How Political and Social Trust relate to the Acceptance of Covid-19 Policies in Germany”, German Politics (2022) - Achim Hildebrandt, Sebastian Jäckle “The shifting class-base of social democratic parties in Western Europe. European Politics and Societies” (2021) - Achim Hildebrandt, Eva-Maria Trüdinger, Sebastian Jäckle, Jonas Löser “Responding to Policy Signals? An Experimental Study on Information about Policy Adoption and Data Retention Policy Support in Germany”, Social Science Quarterly 102(2), 830-843 (2021) - Achim Hildebrandt, Eva-Maria Trüdinger “Belonging and exclusion: The dark side of regional identity in Germany”, Comparative European Politics 19(2), 146-163 (2021) - Achim Hildebrandt, Sebastian Jäckle “Pervasive Polarization or Partial Convergence? Moral Attitudes of Religious and Secular People at Various Levels of Development”, International Journal of Public Opinion Research, 2020 - Achim Hildebrandt, Eva-Maria Trüdinger, Dominik Wyss “The Missing Link? Modernization, Tolerance, and Legislation on Homosexuality”, Political Research Quarterly 72(1), 2018 - Achim Hildebrandt,Eva-Maria Trüdinger, Sebastian Jäckle “Sooner or later: the influence of public opinion and religiosity on the enactment of laws recognizing same-sex unions”, Journal of European Public Policy 24(8), 2016 - Achim Hildebrandt, “Who’s in favour? Same-sex union laws in parliament”, Journal of Legislative Studies 22(3), 2016 - Achim Hildebrandt, Frieder Wolf “How Much of a Sea-Change? Land Policies after the Reforms of Federalism”, German Politics 25(2), 2016 - Achim Hildebrandt, “What Shapes Abortion Law? – A Global Perspective”, Global Policy 6(4), 2015 - Achim Hildebrandt, “Christianity, Islam and Modernity. Explaining Prohibitions on Homosexuality in UN Member States”, Political Studies, 2014 - Achim Hildebrandt, “Routes to Decriminalization: A comparative analysis of the legalization of same-sex sexual acts”, in: Sexualities 17(1/2), 2014 - Sophia Schubert, “On the Assessment of ’Civilizations’ in Political Culture Research. Criticism and Alternative”, in Comparative Sociology, Volume 13, Issue 5, 2014 - mehrere Artikel in „Spirale der Zeit“, Schriften aus dem Haus der Frauengeschichte (ISSN: 1864-5275) über Verlag Barbara Budrich, 2007-2010 - Almut Lanz “Friedrich Hoffmann: Concordance Between Medical Theory and Practice”€ in Jürgen Helm and Renate Wilson (Hrsg.) “Medical Theory and Therapeutic Practice in the Eighteenth Century” (2008) (ISBN: 978-3-515-08889-3) - Angelika Vetter, “Local Politics a Resource for Democracy in Western Europe” (2007) (ISBN: 978-0739120200) sowie weitere Artikel der Autorin und anderer wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter der Universität Stuttgart - Birgit Pfau-Effinger, “Development of Culture, Welfare States and Women's Employment in Europe” (2004) (ISBN: 978-0754616931)
Technische Ausstattung SDL Trados Studio 2019; MemoQ 10.x; MS Windows 11; MS Office 365 Regelmäßige Datensicherung auf externe Datenspeicher
My translator profile (including further examples of my work) is also available in English at: http://www.proz.com/translator/102232
Member of Bundesverband der Dolmetscher und Übersetzer e.V. Member of the ProZ.com Certified PRO Network |